General Dentistry

An orthodontist is a specialist you may be referred to for certain work. There are many in each State and Territory across Australia that can offer assistance in areas such as braces, retainers and the like....

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Dental work is roughly a third of the price in Thailand than it is in Australia. This means that many people are choosing to go overseas for their dental treatments, as it is less expensive. But you may also find yourself wondering, is it too risky to go to Thailand, or is it safe to...

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School students in Victoria will all now have brighter and healthier smiles, along with happier families as they will no longer have to pay their expensive dental bills! That’s all thanks to free dental care being introduced into both public primary and secondary schools all...

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Teeth grinding – it is a dental condition which can lead to serious complications for your oral health. Many say that a simple solution to stop the habit is to wear a custom-made night guard, but is this really the answer? If you’re grinding your teeth, the first and...

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