Root Canal Costs in Australia – The Definitive Guide
The average cost of an entire root canal treatment varies between states and depends upon what tooth procedure is being performed. It can range from...
Tooth Pain after Root Canal
Root Canal is perhaps one of the most common dental procedures, effectively restoring millions of teeth to health every year. Generally, root canal therapy is a pain-free procedure. However, like most medical procedures, some degree of discomfort or pain is to be expected; either...
Root Canal at 21 – What to Expect (Including Other Options)
Have you been told you might need a root canal at 21? Root canal therapy is what’s needed when you have badly decayed tooth. At the age of 21, you probably don’t want to go through this procedure. There are much better...
21 Root Canal Questions Answered
You’re not alone if you are confused about root canal treatments. It is a debated topic and one that needs to be answered by a professional. A root canal is a procedure in which a dentist removes the infected pulp of a tooth. We asked our resident dentist, Dr Veronica Roller...