Dental Health

Mouth tape is essentially exactly what it sounds like. You simply use dental-grade tape to tape your mouth shut, before you go to bed. This home remedy forces you to breathe through your nose, instead of your mouth, even while you’re sleeping. While many swear that mouth taping is the ultimate solution to mouth breathing, the research behind this technique...

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There has been a lot of popularity around the use of probiotics to improve oral health. Although further research needs to be performed, the results so far show that dental probiotics could be helpful in both preventing and treating infections in the mouth. These also potentially include dental caries, gum disease, and bad breath....

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A dry socket, also known as alveolar osteitis, is a relatively uncommon complication of some dental procedures, but in some cases, it may be an extremely painful outcome. So, if it does occur, how to best heal a dry socket?...

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The list that nobody wants to see, but one day might appear in your mouth. That is the list of STDs that show symptoms in the mouth. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and herpes are the most common STDs that will show symptoms in...

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