Dental Veneers: Your Ultimate Guide
Dental veneers are stylish and have been around for a long time. They are one way to achieve a stunning smile most people desire. But are they worth it?...
What You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth
Chances are if you are between 17 and 25 years of age, your wisdom teeth are probably causing you some pain. Your teenage years through to your mid 20’s can be a challenging time. Your body is growing and changing rapidly...
21 Root Canal Questions Answered
You’re not alone if you are confused about root canal treatments. It is a debated topic and one that needs to be answered by a professional. A root canal is a procedure in which a dentist removes the infected pulp of a tooth. We asked our resident dentist, Dr Veronica Roller...
New Research shows Gum Disease Linked to Heart Disease
Scientists believe there is a strong link between gum disease and heart disease. There may be a good chance that bacteria in chronic gum disease could spread...