
Should I Get Partial Dentures for a Missing Tooth?

Can you get dentures for a missing tooth? Dental Aware feature image

There are a few ways in which your dentist can replace missing teeth, one of which is through the use of partial dentures.

Partial dentures are removable, but there are some other options that are more permanent.

Depending on the location of the missing tooth or teeth, you can also choose from dental implants or even dental bridges.

It is not necessary to replace a missing tooth.

However if you would like a more complete smile, and have lost one or more of your teeth, partial dentures can be a great alternative to more invasive procedures.

Can Partial Dentures be used for just One Missing Tooth?

A partial denture is what we can use in order to replace one or several missing teeth.

First, you will need to be assessed by your local dentist and they can assist you to find the right fit for you.

Whether that is partial dentures or another type of tooth replacement, such as bridges and dental implants, depends on the location of the missing tooth.

Partial dentures are perfectly fine to incorporate one or more missing teeth.

If you choose an alternative, bridges cannot be fitted to your mouth within six months of a tooth being removed.

In the meantime, you may wish to have a temporary denture fitted to replace the tooth in the short term.

Bridges cannot be fitted in all cases, as your remaining teeth must not only be strong enough to support them, but you must also have good underlying bone support.

What are Dentures Made of?

As there are different types of dentures, they can all be made with slightly different materials.

Full dentures may be made from a type of acrylic or a mixture of resin and metal.

When we talk about metal there are usually two types used;

  1. Alloy of cobalt
  2. Chromium.

To replicate your gums, dentists use a form of acrylic.

Denture teeth can be made from either plastic or porcelain, however, porcelain is much more durable.

These are matched to the colour of your existing teeth if you are getting partial dentures, otherwise, they are coloured to replicate natural teeth.

Partial Denture Materials

Partial dentures are generally made from the same materials as full dentures, so acrylic resin, metal, plastic or a combination of materials.

If you are getting partial dentures they may also come with stainless steel clips that will fasten them to your mouth so that they are held firmly in place while you wear them.

This is generally the case if you are choosing all-acrylic dentures.

Some partial dentures are made from a more flexible material, as they more comfortably fit beside your existing teeth and are less likely to damage them.

However, they can be both difficult to repair and may also prove difficult to add to if additional teeth need to be inserted at a later date.

Plastic dentures are a cheaper alternative, but for something that is a little more sturdy and durable, ones with a metallic structure are a better alternative.

Plastic dentures, unless fitted correctly, can also damage the other teeth that surround them.

Those combined with metal are not only stronger but also much lighter than plastic dentures.

Are there Any Dangers with using a Partial Denture?

Generally speaking, dentures will have no negative effects on your health.

The only issues that may arise come from dentures that are not fitted in the correct way.

3 issues that loose dentures can cause:

  1. Affect the way that a person speaks
  2. They can make clicking or snapping sounds while worn
  3. May even fall off at the worst times

Poorly fitting dentures can have many other ill effects, which is why it is so important to get dentures that fit you properly and are comfortable.

When dentures are not fitted properly to your mouth, it can make eating an awkward and uncomfortable experience.

5 Problems Associated with Dentures

  • Painful to eat certain foods.
  • Lead to unhealthy or poor eating habits.
  • Avoiding harder, healthier foods such as vegetables and fruit
  • Cause irritation or progressing to infection.
  • Change a persons bite and in the long term cause changes in the jaw joint, such as jaw atrophy.

When wearing dentures it is important to get regular check-ups at your dentist.

If you feel any discomfort or find yourself avoiding foods due to your dentures, consult your dentist so that you can get to the root of the problem.

Can You Get a Cheap Denture Not Made by a Dentist?

If you are able to find cheap dentures outside of a dental clinic, their use would not be advisable.

Dentists are here to make sure that you get the best fit possible.

Getting a well fitting pair of dentures will save you money in the long run.

You will likely avoid other dental and health problems that can develop from poorly fitting dentures.

Dentures are costly, especially those which are the highest quality, but there is a reason for this.

It is truly a case of ‘you get what you pay for’.

In the short term, yes they are expensive, but in the long term, you can save hundreds on your dental care.

Should you get a Denture Overseas?

There are plenty of dental clinics advertised in countries such as India and Thailand who can fit dentures.

They advertise absurdly low prices and Australian certified dentists.

This may sound promising, but keep in mind that if you purchase your dentures overseas, there is no additional support once you return home.

The only way to guarantee the high degree of care that we are used to is to get your dentures created and fitted in Australia.

How do they Make the Teeth and Gums Look Real?

The colour of your new dentures is extremely important in making them look as real as possible.

The material used to create your dentures have a strong influence on how real they look in when worn.

There are two options available for the teeth, acrylic or porcelain.

Both materials can mimic the exact colour of your teeth, however, porcelain teeth not only look real colour-wise but also copy the look and feel of real teeth and the enamel that surrounds them.

They are more durable than the acrylic versions but are also slightly more brittle.

The gums, or base, of your dentures, are formed by either plastic or acrylic, with the options of a metal framework within for extra stability.

These are created to match the exact colour and texture of your own gums, making them as realistic as possible.

Good quality dentures should be almost indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Modern dentists are able to make amazingly realistic looking dental implants and dentures so that we no longer will be able to tell what is real and what is not.

You can depend on the perfect smile even after losing a tooth as long as you care for your dentures or any other dental work you may need.

Proper dental care is key to not only reducing further costs but ensuring that your dentures and teeth last for as long as possible.

Are Dentures Only for the Elderly?

In short, no.

Dentures are suitable for most adults, regardless of age, although they are more commonly associated with elderly patients.

It is estimated that around one-quarter of people aged over 65 have partial or full dentures based on studies from the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) in 2018.

But, despite the statistics, dentures are becoming more widely used for younger patients.

There is no minimum age for dentures, they are simply used for anyone who has lost one or multiple adult teeth.


Whether you have just one missing tooth or several, partial dentures remain a viable option for most patients.

They can act as a temporary solution if you want to replace them with the more permanent dental bridge, or they may be the best option for a long term dental correction.

What are your thoughts on partial dentures?

By Dr Veronica Roller

Created at May 08, 2019, Updated at September 01, 2021

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